Octal to HEX

Octal to HEX

Octal to Hex Conversion: Simplify Your Coding Process Today

Numbers are essential in our daily lives. But not all numbers are the same. Sometimes, we use special number systems. Two of these systems are octal and hexadecimal. In this guide, we will learn how to convert octal numbers to hexadecimal.

What is the Octal Number System?

The octal number system is a base-8 system. It uses digits from 0 to 7. This system is useful in computing. It is simpler than the binary system but still very effective.

Examples Of Octal Numbers

  • 10 (Octal) = 8 (Decimal)
  • 17 (Octal) = 15 (Decimal)
  • 20 (Octal) = 16 (Decimal)

What is the Hexadecimal Number System?

The hexadecimal number system is a base-16 system. It uses digits from 0 to 9 and letters from A to F. This system is also used in computing. It is very useful for representing large binary numbers.

Examples Of Hexadecimal Numbers

  • A (Hex) = 10 (Decimal)
  • F (Hex) = 15 (Decimal)
  • 10 (Hex) = 16 (Decimal)

Why Convert Octal to Hexadecimal?

Sometimes, we need to convert octal numbers to hexadecimal. This is because different systems use different number systems. Also, hexadecimal numbers are shorter and easier to read than octal numbers.

Steps To Convert Octal To Hexadecimal

Follow these easy steps to convert octal numbers to hexadecimal:

  1. Convert the octal number to decimal.
  2. Convert the decimal number to hexadecimal.

Step 1: Convert Octal to Decimal

To convert an octal number to decimal, follow these steps:

  1. Write down the octal number.
  2. Multiply each digit by 8 raised to the power of its position.
  3. Add the results together.

Example: Convert 157 (octal) To Decimal

Position Digit 8^Position Multiplication
2 1 8^2 = 64 1 x 64 = 64
1 5 8^1 = 8 5 x 8 = 40
0 7 8^0 = 1 7 x 1 = 7
Total 111

So, 157 (Octal) = 111 (Decimal).

Step 2: Convert Decimal to Hexadecimal

To convert a decimal number to hexadecimal, follow these steps:

  1. Write down the decimal number.
  2. Divide the number by 16 and write down the remainder.
  3. Repeat until the quotient is 0.
  4. The remainders form the hexadecimal number.

Example: Convert 111 (decimal) To Hexadecimal

Step Quotient Remainder
111 ÷ 16 6 15 (F)
6 ÷ 16 0 6

So, 111 (Decimal) = 6F (Hexadecimal).

Final Conversion

We have now converted 157 (Octal) to 6F (Hexadecimal). Let's summarize the steps:

  • Convert octal to decimal.
  • Convert decimal to hexadecimal.

Practice Problems

Let's practice some more conversions. Try converting these octal numbers to hexadecimal:

  1. 25 (Octal)
  2. 123 (Octal)
  3. 45 (Octal)


Here are the answers:

  1. 25 (Octal) = 15 (Decimal) = F (Hexadecimal)
  2. 123 (Octal) = 83 (Decimal) = 53 (Hexadecimal)
  3. 45 (Octal) = 37 (Decimal) = 25 (Hexadecimal)

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Octal To Hex Conversion?

Octal to hex conversion involves changing a base-8 number to a base-16 number.

How Do You Convert Octal To Hex?

First, convert octal to binary, then binary to hex.

Why Convert Octal To Hex?

Hexadecimal provides a more compact representation than octal.

What Is Octal?

Octal is a base-8 numeral system.


Converting octal numbers to hexadecimal is easy. Just follow the steps. First, convert the octal number to decimal. Then, convert the decimal number to hexadecimal. With practice, you will become an expert.


Gazi Faizul Amin

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